Aloe vera
Ghritkumari or Aloe Barbadensis is famous with a name, Aloe vera. Ghritkumari is widely used since ancient times. Alexander and Christopher Columbus used aloe vera to treat wounds of the soldiers. An evergreen perennial, native to the Arabian Peninsula, but grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical and arid climates around the world. It is cultivated for commercial products, mainly as a topical treatment used over centuries. It is used in many consumer products, including beverages, skin lotion, cosmetics, ointments or in the form of gel for minor burns and sunburns.
Product Code :
Botanical Name : Aloe – Barbasfensis
Plant Part Use : Gel and Latex
- It helps treat canker sores.
- It reduces constipation.
- It may improve skin and prevent wrinkles.
- It lowers blood sugar levels.
- May reduce skin aging.